Here you go

This is my blog.

I write about the military, culture, and military culture, among other things.

I suppose this blog is my public notebook, where I post various things I find in public records and elsewhere (like the recesses of my mind?). Want me to write for you? Email me to book a call.

Things began to unravel in the summer of 2015, as investigators got wind of alleged fraud. By that Christmas, Sergeant First Class Johnnie Johnson would be gone, never to be heard from again.

Here’s the latest advance in the continuing evolution of this website, where I tend to spend far more time thinking about design than writing: Introducing Chad Garland Writes For You.

Two U-28A Draco crews were awarded the nation’s highest honor for extraordinary aerial achievement for their efforts in support of the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan in August 2021 as the country fell into chaos.

Phone calls—and donations—poured in to the nonprofit that flew Marine Sgt. Nicole Gee’s remains to Arlington National Cemetery after a since-discredited Fox News story prompted outrage.